Descriere: La bordul trenului regal, Duchess, in care calatoreste o persoana foarte importanta: Regina Angliei. Trenuletul functioneaza cu 2 baterii tip AAA (LR03), neincluse.
Avertismente: Nerecomandat copiilor cu varsta sub 3 ani. Produsul poate contine piese mici ce pot fi inghitite si cauza asfixiere. Nu lasati ambalajul produsului la indemana copiilor. Indepartati orice ambalaj si accesoriu al produsului inainte de a oferi jucaria copilului. Va recomandam sa supravegheati copilul in timp ce foloseste produsul. Pastrati instructiunile si etichetele pentru referinte viitoare. Feriti produsul de foc, temperaturi ridicate si umiditate.
Duchess is an extra-long passenger train who transports a very special passenger: The Queen of England! Flip the switch on top of the train to send Duchess racing into all sorts of exciting adventures along any Thomas & Friends™ track.
- Create exciting Thomas & Friends™ adventures with this battery-powered, motorized toy train
- Push the switch on top of the engine to send Duchess racing along on an exciting journey
- This motorized toy train is compatible with all TrackMaster™ tracks (Track sets sold separately).
- Comes with plastic connectors to attach other push-along or motorized TrackMaster™ engines, vehicles, cargo cars or tenders (Each sold separately and subject to availability.)